Blog Share: Anne's Odds & Ends

I know I've been on  a sewing kick over the past few months, 
particularly now that I have my very own serger! And believe me there is definitely 
more to come in that department.
But today I wanted to share this awesome blog that's filled great recipes for both you and baby.
I was excited particularly by this one on how to make your own teething biscuits! I've personally been making my daughter's pureed baby food since she started taking solids but for whatever reason it hadn't occurred to me that I could go beyond the puree and actually make her teething biscuits!
Check out Anne's Odd & Ends for this homemade recipe and more!

And her daughter is just too cute!

Other recipes you'll find on her blog:


Ok I probably shouldn't be blogging this while I'm starving!

Happy Eating!


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