Card Table Felt Playhouse: Phase 2
...on to side one!
To make the grass for each additional side cut a 12"x38" strip of green felt.
Fold the felt, short ends together.
Free hand some zig zags for the grass.
Cut along the drawn-on lines. Lay out the newly cut strip of grass and pin in place. Sew an 1/8" seam around all edges.
To make the window frames for both sides draw out 8 strips (16 total strips) 1" thick by 16" long. You will likely need to trim the ends once you get them in place so don't sew all the way to the ends of each strip.
Take four of the strips, place two strips together and stitch an 1/8" seam all the way around. Repeat for second set of strips. These make up the cross bars of the window.
Pin two strips down on opposing sides, pin, and stitch in place with an 1/8" seam. Take the other two strips and pin in place on remaining two window sides. Repeat previous step.
Take one of the crossbars and pin it in the window (top and bottom) on the wrong side of the felt. Sew the crossbar in place where pinned. Repeat for remaining crossbar.
To make the vegetables, fruit, and flowers free hand some stencils on paper and cut out.
Trace them onto the felt.
Decide where you want your pieces to go.
Cut out green "patches" to create a pocket for each fruit and vegetable. The pocket should be slightly bigger than the fruit or vegetable leaving allowance for an 1/8" stitch along the left, bottom, and right sides.
Since I have an embroidery sewing machine I thought it would be cute to make a sign with my niece's name on it saying "Hilton's Garden" and placing it "in" the garden. If you don't have this option you can always do it the same way you did "MAIL" on the mailbox.
I thought it would be fun for her to be able to hang clothes on a clothesline. To make this take some common knitting yarn and stretch it across the back side. Pin it in place on each end as well as the very middle, sew in place. Reinforce the center with a small piece of felt behind the stitch on the wrong side of the felt.
Add a few clothespins.
And a few small clothing articles.
Stay tuned for phase three!
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